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Diablo III - Walkthrough


Chapter I - Introduction - [01.Intr]


This is my second Blizzard Games FAQ.  I did a FAQ for Starcraft II and like
millions of other fans I have looked forward to Diablo III for over a decade.
I'd like to start out saying that this is a Walkthrough, pure and simple.  If 
no one else creates a FAQ for Crafting, Achievements, and other portions I may
add them here or create seperate FAQs for them, but this here is a pure 
Walkthrough.  I won't be going over class mechanics, min/maxing your skills,
maximining gear and stat outputs.  There are still people strategizing over
Diablo II.  I expect the majority of people who read this FAQ will either not
own the game and be curious as to the story/gameplay or know the game but get
stuck at single points and look for a way out.  For this reason I have tried to
avoid going over story details, but reader beware!  Even just reading each
Quests Objectives will expose you to Spoilers.  I hope you find everything
you're looking for here.  Enjoy the game and good luck!


Chapter II - Walkthrough - Act I - [02.Act1]


This walkthrough is intended to help you make your way from the very beginning
of Act I to the end of Act IV.  In it you will find everything you need to 
progress through these four acts and the 31 quests involved in them.  Each Act
is broken up into it's subsequent Quests.  Under each Quest you will find a
list of the Objectives for that quest, combat zones and the monsters that are
in them, a descriptive walkthrough step-by-step through that quest, and any
quest rewards provided.  Any information you need to progress in the game will
be listed here and easy to find.  If you are stuck on a specific part of a 
quest, simply search the walkthrough for the exact portion of the quest you are
on.  This will be a long read and I know it will provide you with what you 
need.  Let's dig in!

 - Quest 1 - The Fallen Star

.....Kill the risen dead attacking the gates
.....Talk to Leah in the Slaughtered Calf Inn
.....Kill the Risen
.....Talk to Leah in the Slaughtered Calf Inn
.....Talk to Captain Rumford at the gate to New Tristram
.....Kill the Wretched Mother
.....Kill the Wretched Queen in the Old Ruins
 Bonus: Wretched Mothers Killed: 0/3
.....Use the Old Ruins Waypoint
     Talk to Captain Rumford in New Tristram


.....Old Tristram Road
Walking Corpse
    ~Crawling Torso
Quill Fiend

.....The Old Ruins
Walking Corpse
    ~Crawling Torso
Wretched Queen~First Handmaiden of the Queen

The game begins with you slightly outside of New Tristram.  Make your way down
the path killing the few risen that you see.  It won't take long to reach the 
gates into town.  Once there, aid the local guards in killing the Risen and 
Crawling Torsos.  Afterwards, make your way to the Slaughtered Calf Inn.  Once
inside approach and speak to Leah.  Slay the Risen that interupt your 
conversation.  Continue speaking to Leah and then exit the Inn.  Head back to
the entrance of town and once again speak to Captain Rumford.  The guards will
once again be attacked by the undead.  This time you must help them kill Risen
and a Wretched mother.  Once the town is seemingly safe again, follow the path
northeast to enter the Old Tristram Road.  Follow the road, occasionaly 
stepping off the path to kill a few Wretch Mothers.  At the end of the road you
will find the Old Ruins.  Enter here to find and kill the Wretched Queen.
She's just a beefed up Wretched Mother so nothing to fret over.  Once she is
dead, use the waypoint nearby to return to town and speak to Captain Rumford.

...XP - 1125
...Gold - 370

 - Quest 2 - The Legacy of Cain

     Part One
.....Use the New Tristram Waypoint to go to the Old Ruins
.....Go to the Old Tristram Gate
.....Find Adria's Hut
.....Search Adria's Hut
.....Enter the Hidden Cellar in Adria's Hut
.....Explore the Hiden Cellar
.....Kill Captain Daltyn and the Risen
.....Talk to Leah in the Hidden Cellar

     Part Two
.....Go to the Cathedral
.....Enter Cathedral Level 1
.....Search for signs of Deckard Cain in the Cathedral
.....Kill the Skeletons attacking Deckard Cain
.....Talk to Deckard Cain in Leoric's Passage
.....Follow Deckard Cain
.....Talk to Leah in New Tristram


.....Hidden Cellar
Captain Daltyn

    ~Corpse Worms
Ravenous Dead
Carion Bats
Walking Corpse

.....Leoric's Passage
Headcleaver~Royal Executioner
Royal Henchmen

Next to Captain Rumford you will now find Leah.  Speak with her to begin this
quest.  Once you begin the quest, she will join you as a companion.  Make your
way to the Waypoint that you just came from and head back to the Old Ruins.  
As soon as you exit the waypoint Leah will move to open the Old Tristram gate.
From here you must find Adria's Hut.  Walk through the now open gate and enter
the Old Tristram Road.  It shouldn't take long to reach the hut.  Once you are
there enter the hut.  As soon as you do so you will reveal an entrance to a
hidden cellar.  Head downstairs to begin your dungeon crawl.

Once down in the cellar make your way to the cauldron.  Touch it and the
Captain and his Risen guards will rise to attack you.  Slay them to continue on
your quest.  Once they are dead, Leah leaves your party.  

...XP - 330
...Gold - 190

Speak to Leah to learn your next objective.  Leave the hidden cellar and make
your way to the Cathedral.  Head away from Adria's Hut in the opposite
direction from which you came.  You will shortly run into the Cathedral
entrance.  Head on inside and then down to level 1.  Once here you must search
for signs of Deckard Cain.  You will begin in the Northeast of the level.  Make
your way southest to the crossroads section of this level.  Northwest and
Southeast from here are areas to explore, kill, and loot.  To the Southwest
you will come to another cross.  The southeast wing will lead you to the next
part of your quest.  Here you will find a glowing doorway that leads to
Leoric's Passage.  Enter the Doorway.

Upon entering Leoric's Passage you are given a short animated scene.  Once the
scene is complete immediately move to the aid of Deckard Cain and slay the 
four Royal Henchmen attacking him.  Two more groups will be summoned, the
third group will include the miniboss, Headcleaver~Royal Executioner.  He has
very few hit points and should still drop very quickly with basic attacks.
After you have defeated Headcleaver, Cain will be ready to talk to you with a
quest.  You can explore the rest of the area and discover an Ornate Door.  It
is currently "Sealed by the power of the Skeleton King" so expect to return
here in the future.  Follow him up the steps to the Cathedral Garden.  Here, 
Cain will walk to your second Waypoint.  Follow him through the Waypoint back
to New Tristram.  Speak with Leah to complete this quest chain.

...XP - 3300

 - Quest 3 - A Shattered Crown

     Part One
.....Talk to the blacksmith Haedrig Eamon
.....Kill the Ravenous Dead in the Cellar of the Damned
.....Kill Mira Eamon
.....Talk to Haedrig Eamon in the Cellar of the Damned

     Part Two
.....Open the Northwest Gate
.....Find the Cemetery of the Forsaken in the Weeping Hollow
.....Search for the Chancellor's Altar beneath the Cemetery of the Forsaken
.....Kill Chancellor Eamon
.....Take the Skeleon King's crown from the Chancellor's Altar (0/1)

     Part Three
.....Use the Town Portal to return to New Tristram
.....Talk to Haedrig Eamon


.....Cellar of the Damned
Ravenous Dead
Mira Eamon

.....The Weeping Hollow
Retching Cadaver
Ravenous Dead
Hungry Torso
Hungry Corpse
    ~Corpse Worms
Rotting Corpses
Crawling Torso

.....Cemetery of the Forsaken

.....Defiled Crypt
Hungry Corpse
Ravenous Dead
Ghastly Gravedigger
Carrion Bat
Ghostly Murderer
Manglemaw ~ Horde of the Crypt

.....Chancellor's Tomb
Tomb Guard
Chancellor Eamon~Astral Guardian

Immediately after completing The Legacy of Cain, speak to cain to begin your
next story quest, A Shattered Crown.  After speaking with him, stick around to
listen to a conversation between Leah and Deckard, or rush off to the northwest
to seek out your first objective, speaking with the blacksmith Haedrig Eamon.
He will tell you of his tragic situation and you will offer to help him with
it.  Follow him to the northeast to the Cellar of the Damned.

Upon entering the cellar, Haerdrig will become your companion.  Beat down the
sturdy boarded door to access the ravenous dead.  There are roughly 15 of the
dead.  Once you clear the path Haedrig will broach the final subject.  After
turning it is your duty to slay it.  A very simple straight forward kill.
Once the job is completed, speak with Haedrig standing where you left him.

...XP - 900
...Gold - 195

Leave the cellar and proceed to the Northwest Gate.  When you open the gate you
will be attacked by a tiny group of Scavenger's.  Kill them and proceed out the
gate.  Here you will enter the Weeping Hollow.  Try to explore the area.  At
one point you will happen upon a the "Corpse of Haedrig's Apprentice.  Remember
to return to the blacksmith and let him know of his fate the next time you are
in town.  Upon looting the corpse, if you so desire, you will be attacking by
a weak horde.  Continue to explore the Weeping Hollow until you find a stone 
walkway.  Follow it to the Cemetery of the Forsaken.  Shortly inside the gate
you should find a waystone.  Be sure to click it to unlock it.  Nearby you will
find multiple "Defiled Crypt"'s.  Explore them all until you find the Altar of
the Chancellor at the end.  Those that do not contain the Altar will have
Teleportation stones that you can click to exit the crypt instantly.  You'll
know you have found the right crypt when you find a set of stairs leading to 
level 2.  Your character will also tell you that "I must be on the right path"
when you enter the second level.  Once you reach the short deadend at the
crypt, Manglemaw ~ Horde of the Crypt will burst through a wall.  This is your
first truely strong miniboss.  Though he has no special abilities it will take 
more to kill him than 5-10 blows.  Beat on him while keeping your own health up
though and he will fall the same as all other undead.  After chopping down
nearly 500 health, Manglemaw will drop.  A new lore will be added to your list
and you will be able to access the Chancellor's Tomb.  Here you will find 
Skeletons and Tomb guards.  The guards cast from range so don't let them group
up on your with skeletons between you and them.  Clear out the tomb before 
touching the Altar.  When you do the Chancellor will spawn and attempt to stop
you.  Much like Manglemaw you simply need to beat on the chancellor until he
dies while keeping your health up.  The only trick up the chancellors sleeve is
his ability to teleport.  This is more annoying than powerful, however.  Once
you defeat him take the Skeleton King's crown from the altar.

...Town Portal

Immediately use the Town Portal and make your way to Haedrig to speak with him.
He will repair the crown and then join you as a companion.

 - Quest 4 - Reign of the Black King

     Part One
.....Use the New Tristram Waypoint to return to the Cathedral Garden
.....Enter Leoric's Passage
.....Go to the Cathedral Level 2 through the Ornate Door
.....Descend through the Cathedral
.....Give aid to the Warrior
.....Find the Warrior's Stolen Items
.....Find and kill Jondar
.....Join the Templar
.....Search for the Royal Crypts
.....Find the Crypt of the Skeleton King
.....Enter the Crypt of the Skeleton King
.....Kill the Returned
.....Place Leoric's crown on the Skeleton King
.....Kill the Skeleton King

     Part Two
.....Talk to the Stranger in the Desolate Chamber
.....Return to New Tristram


.....Cathedral Level 2
Tomb Guardian
Carrion Bat
Skeletal Guardian

~~~~~Corpse Worms
Ravenous Dead
Carion Bats
Walking Corpse
Dark Cultist
Necromantic Minion
Servant of Jondar
Jondar~Necromancer Betrayer
Skeletal Archer
Skeletal Shieldbearer
Activated Pillar

.....Crypt of the Skeleton King
Skeleton King~Mad King of Tristram
Forgotten Soldier

Nearby where you gained Haedrig, speak to Deckard Cain.  He will send you back
to where you rescued him.  Remember that sealed door?  Time to open it!  Take 
the waypoint in town back to the Cathedral Garden.  Head downstairs and open
the previously sealed ornate door to reach Cathedral Level 2.  Grind your way
through the second level of the Cathedral to reach the stairs to the third
level of the Cathedral.  Upon entering the third level you will be asked to
give aid to the warrior.  Kill the dark cultists that have the warrior trapped
as well as the necromantic minions that come to their aid.  Once you slay half
of the cultists the warrior will be freed and begin helping you to kill the 
remaining cultists.  You must now continue to search the third level to find
the warriors gear.  It won't take you long to find the chest with his gear 
guarded by a few more cultists.  Slay them, retrieve his gear, and activate the
nearby Waypoint.  Your warrior companion will now be marked as a Templar.  He 
tells you that you must fight your way past Jondar if you are to slay the
Skeleton King.  You won't have to travel far before your templar slices his way
through spikes that cover a set of stairs.  Prepare for a miniboss battle.

Jondar is another fairly simple fight.  He randomly summons skeletons that you
can kill or leave to your templar.  He fires a poison based attack five
directions out from him.  He also tends to run a lot.  Upon his defeat the 
Templar will briefly leave your group.  After he finishes off Jondar he offers
to join you.  You can either accept his offer or send him back to town where
you can retrieve him anytime.  Make your decision and then make your way to the
nearby entrance to the fourth level of the Cathedral.  Clear this level while
searching for the entrance to the Royal Crypts.  Enter the Royal Crypts and
find the Royal Crypts waypoint.  Then find the entrance to the Skeleton Kings
Crypt.  You may find a sword in the ground while exploring the crypt.  Loot it
to watch a small scene play out.  Continue on and you will find the Skeleton
King himself as he rises from the ground.  Immediately start destroying the 
Activated Pillars as wave after wave of skeletons come for you.  I earned a 
"Massacre 50 monsters slain" in this small area.  Afterwards bust through the
nearby door and make your way past skeletal archers until you reach the door
leading to the Crypt of the Skeleon King.  Enter it and prepare for the battle
to come.

Upon entering the Crypt, the King will appear, taunt you, and disappear.  You
must now kill the Returned.  Make your way forward until a gate closes in front
of you and the returned are summoned.  Kill them just like normal skeletons and
you will be prompted to place Leoric's crown on the Skeleton King.  Approach 
the throne and place the crown on the skeleton of the Skeleton King.  This will
raise him so that you can kill him again.  Makes perfect sense right?

The Skeleton King has a few attacks.  He performs a weak whirlwind.  He also
has the ability to teleport to you followed by a lunge.  He will also
occasionaly summon groups of returned and forgotten soldiers.  If you see him
start to use his whirlwind attack move towards any summoned skeletons as he
will kill them as easy as he hurts you with this attack.  Either way killing
the skeletons will be beneficial to you as they drop health regen orbs.  
Fight out your first true boss battle in this manner and you will succeed.

...XP - 5250
...Gold - 840

Once the Skeleton King is defeated, take the stairs located inside his throne.
Walk around the pit and talk to the man in the center of it.  Afterwards head
northwest and take the Waypoint back to New Tristram.

...XP - 375

 - Quest 5 - Sword of the Stranger

.....Go to the Fields of Misery
.....Search for the Khazra Den in the Fields of Misery
.....Find the Glowing Sword Shard in the Khazra Den
.....Kill the cultists surrounding the Glowing Sword Shard
.....Take the Glowing Sword Shard (0/1)
.....Take the sword piece back to Cain


.....Fields of Misery
Moon Clan Impaler
Moon Clan Warrior
Plague Carrier
Plague Next
Savage Beast
Wood Wraith

.....Khazra Den
Moon Clan Impaler
Moon Clan Warrior
Enraged Zealot

Once you return to town after slaying the Skeleton King, speak to Dekard Cain
and learn what you can about this new mysterious stranger.  The two of them and
Leah will speak.  From there you will need to head to the Fields of Misery.

...XP - 330
...Gold - 190

Take the Waypoint back to the Cemetary of the Forsaken.  Head northwest into 
the Fields of Misery.  Cross the bridge and your quest will be updated.  From
here, search the area until you find the entrance to the Khazra Den.  Once you
find it, enter and make your way through the Den until you find the cultists
that are guarding the Shard.  Slay them and Magdha will appear.  She will
summon more Enraged Zealots to defend the shard.  

...XP - 3000
...Gold - 420

Once you have defeated these cultists you are free to claim the Shard.  At this
point you must return the shard to cain.  You can either walk slightly further
into the Den to find the exit crystal, or you can use your townportal spell to
instantly return to Cain.

...XP - 1125
...Gold - 210

 - Quest 6 - The Broken Blade

     Part One
.....Go to the Drowned Temple
.....Follow the Scoundrel
.....Talk to the Brigand
.....Kill the Brigands

     Part Two
.....Speak with the Scoundrel
.....Take the Scoundrel north to the waypoint
.....Go to the Drowned Temple
.....Talk to Alari
.....Retrieve the Beacon of Honor from the Warrior's Rest (0/1)
     Retrieve the Beacon of Honor from the Crypt of the Ancients (0/1)
.....Beacons Placed on Pedestals: 0/2

     Part Three
.....Enter the Drowned Temple
.....Explore the Drowned Temple
.....Kill Ezek the Prophet and the skeletons
.....Talk to Alaric in the Drowned Temple
.....Secure the Glowing Sword Shard
.....Get the Glowing Sword Shard
.....Return the Glowing Sword Shard to New Tristram


.....The Old Mill
Nigel Cutthroat~Thieves Guild Assassin

.....The Festering Woods
Enraged Phantom
Returned Archer
Plauge Nest
Plauge Carrier

.....Crypt of the Ancients
Returned Summoner
Returned Archer

.....Warrior's Rest
Dark Skeletal Archer

.....Drowned Temple
Returned Archer
Returned Summoner
Returned Shieldman
Ezek The Prophet~Ancient Nephalem Champion
Brother Moek~Ancient Nephalem Defender
Brother Larel~Ancient Nephalem Keeper
Brother Karel~Ancient Nephalem Guardian
Dark Zealot

Once you have spoken to Cain about the Glowing Sword Shard, Leah will be ready
to speak with you.  Talk to her and she will send you to the Drowned Temple.
Take the nearby Waypoint to the Fields of Misery.  Lead will join you on this
portion of your quest.  Once in the Fields, follow the main road until it leads
you to a scoundrel.  He will become your second companion.  Speak with him and
then enter The Old Mill and speak to the Brigand.  Kill two waves of brigands
and Nigel Cutthroat will appear with a third wave.  Kill them all and then talk
to the Scoundrel.  

...XP - 1125
...Gold - 210

Make your way through the eastern part of the Fields of Misery to the Drowned
Temple and the waypoint.  When you reach it talk to the Scoundrel.  From here
go to the entrance to the Drowned Temple.  You will find a spirit named Aleric
there.  Speak with him, follow him, and then cross the bridge and enter The 
Festering Woods.

...XP - 1125
...Gold - 210

Search the Festering Woods for both the Crypt of the Ancients and the Warrior's
Rest.  Clear the skeletons from both of these dungeons and then claim the
Beacon of light that is found and the end of each.  Use your townportal spell
to return to New Tristram and then use the waypoint to return to the Drowned
Temple.  Head back towards where you first found the spirit Aleric.  From here
you should be able to see two pedestals.  Go to each and activate them to place
a Beacon of Light on each pedestal.

...XP - 1200
...Gold - 215

Once the Beacons are placed on the pedestals, the entrance to the Drowned
Temple will open.  Enter it and clear the skeletons out until you run into Ezek
The Prophet.  Bring him near death and he will summon three of his Brothers
and a few Returned Archers.  Slay them all and the spirit Aleric will appear
where Ezek was originally waiting on you.  Speak to him and he will open the
way to the Glowing Sword Shard.  When you aproach the Shard you will have a 
small conversation and then need to fend off several Dark Zealots.  

...XP - 4675
...Gold - 660

Once they are all dead you are free to claim the Shard.  With the Shard in hand
return to New Tristram to complete this quest.

 - Quest 7 - The Doom in Wortham

     Part One
.....Talk to the Ferryman
.....Travel to the center of Wortham
.....Kill Urzel Mordreg
.....Kill the Dark Berserkers: 0/3

     Part Two
.....Talk to the Priest
.....Enter the Wortham CHapel Cellar
.....Search for the Sword Hilt
.....Enter Cain's House in New Tristram


Dark Evoker
Dark Zealot
Urzel Mordreg~Dark Hierophant

Back in New Tristram, the Stranger would like to speak to you.  Once you do, 
head for the Ferryman and talk to him.  Take the path leading out from the city
to the west.  When you get to T make a left.  Follow this path to docks and the
Ferryman.  Make your way into Wortham.  You will quickly notice that the
townsfolk are fleeing the city.  After making your way in a short distance, a
man will run by and tell you his family is hiding in the Chapel.  Continue on
and you will find the chapel surrounded by Dark Zealots.  Slay them and then 
listen to a brief conversation.  Kill Urzel and his Dark Zealot followers and
then kill the three Dark Berserkers that arrive.

...XP - 4950
...Gold - 675

After the battle, talk to the nearby Priest and follow his directions to enter
the Wortham Chapel Cellar located on the East side of the Chapel.  You'll find
Virgil's corpse near the bottom of the stairs.  Move into the room to claim
the Glowing Sword Shard.  Watch the cutscene and then run to the back of the
cellar where you can find a waypoint.  Take the waypoint back to New Tristram
and entere Cain's House.  Watch the cutscene.  Afterwards you will load back to
Tristram just outside of Cain's House.

 - Quest 8 - Trailing the Coven

     Part One
.....Enter the Caverns of Araneae above Wortham
.....Search for the Chamber of Queen Araneae
.....Talk to the woman trapped in the web
.....Kill Queen Araneae
.....Harvest the Pool of Venom in the Chamber of Queen Araneae.

     Part Two
.....Talk to Karyna
.....Find the Khazra Staff
.....Approach the Khazra Barricade
.....Find Leoric's Manor Courtyard
.....Enter Leoric's Manor
.....Enter Leoric's Manor
.....Explore Leoric's Manor


.....Caverns of Araneae
Arachnid Horror
Toxic Lurker
Plague Carrier

.....Highlands Crossing
Dark Moon Clan Shaman
Highland Walker

.....Southern Highlands
Dark Moon Clan Shaman
Dark Moon Clan Warrior
Dark Moon Clan Impaler
Highland Walker
Savage Beast
Vicious Hellion
Dark Cultist

.....Northern Highlands
Dark Moon Clan Shaman
Dark Moon Clan Warrior
Dark Moon Clan Impaler
Highland Walker
Dark Cultist

.....Leoric's Hunting Grounds
Highland Walker
Dark Moon Clan Warrior
Moon Clan Shaman
Dark Moon Clan Impaler
Khazra Banner
Dark Cultist
Dark Summoner

.....Leoric's Manor
Dark Berserker
Dark Cultist
Dark Summoner
Dark Vessel
Vicious Hellion

From New Tristram, take the waypoint back to the Wortham Chapel Cellar.  Exit
the cellar into Wortham and then head north.  When you reach it, open and exit 
the Town Gate.  Continue north to reach the Wortham Bluffs.  Cross the bridge
and make your way west above the cavern entrance and then down the stairs to
the entrance of the cavern.

Once inside the cavern treat it as a normal dungeon crawl.  Kill everything
while searching for the entrance to the next level, the Chamber of Queen
Araneae.  Enter the chamber and then walk towards the woman in the web, even
though the quest says to speak with her all you need to do is to walk up to her
and she will begin talking.  When the Queen arrives she will attack you with
a poison breath attack as well as putting a green pool of poison on the ground.
Standing in the pool will cause you damage.  At 75% and 50% Araneae will become
immune to attacks and run to hide.  Four Araneae Minions will arrive.  Once
they are defeated Araneae will return.  Once she is dead you will be asked to
harvest the Pool of Venom.  Head northeast to where you found the woman trapped
in the web and the pool will be to the left of it.  Click on the pool to
harvest it.  Then walk back to Karyna (the woman trapped in the web) and click
on her to free her.  Wait for her to exit the chamber and then follow her out
to the Highlands Crossing.  

...XP - 1350
...Gold - 225

Once outside speak to Karyna.  Talk to Karyna and then cross the nearby bridge
to enter the Southern Highlands.  Search this area for Karyna's cart.  When you
find it loot the staff that is sitting right on it.  

...XP - 1350
...Gold - 225

Once you do a group of Dark Moon Clan Warriors will pop up.  Just normal mobs
here so kill them and move on.  With the staff in hand head back to the main
road and follow it to the north.  At the end of the road you will encounter
the Khazra Barricade.  You can now proceed past it.  Make your up the the hills
killing Dark Moon Clan members are you move up.  At the top you will enter the
Northern Highlands.  Follow the road until you come to a bridge.  Cross it and
you will enter Leoric's Courtyard.  Straight ahead will be the entrance to
Leoric's Manor.  Once inside the manner you will be beset upon by a horde of
Dark Berserkers, Dark Cultists, and Dark Vessels.  Clear them out and make your
way to the back of the Manor.  At the back you can watch a conversation and
then clear the area of the Vicious Hellions and Dark Summoners.  This will
complete your quest.

...XP - 5500

 - Quest 9 - The Imprisoned Angel

     Part One
.....Enter Halls of Agony level 1
.....Enter Halls of Agony level 2
.....Go to the Highlands Passage
.....Enter the Cursed Hold
.....Talk to Queen Asylla
.....Prisoners' Remains Free: 0/6
.....Kill the Warden

     Part Two
.....Search for the Chamber of Suffering
.....Kill the Butcher

     Part Three
.....Find the Stranger
.....Kill the cultists surrounding the Stranger
.....Talk to the Stranger

     Part Four
.....Talk to Tyrael in New Tristam
.....Talk to the Caravan Leader


.....Halls of Agony level 1
Dark Vessel
    ~Unholy Thrall
Dark Cultist
Inferno Zombie
Zombie Struggler
Dark Summoner
Dark Hellion
Hungry Corpse

.....Halls of Agony level 2
Dark Hellion
Dark Cultist
Vicious Hellion
Disentombed Hulk
Dark Vessel
    ~Unholy Thrall
Dark Summoner
Dark Berserker

.....Highlands Passage
Dark Cultist
Dark Summoner
Dark Berserker

.....The Cursed Hold
Savage Fiend
Jailed Poacher
Shock Eel
The Warden~Head Jailer of King Leoric

.....Halls of Agony level 3
Dark Berserker
Dark Vessel
    ~Unholy Thrall
Dark Cultist
Inferno Zombie
Bloated Corpse
Dark Hellion

.....Chamber of Suffering
The Butcher~

.....Cells of the Condemned
Dark Wizard
Dark Cultist
Dark Ritualist
Dark Berserker

Speak to the Wounded Man at the back of Leoric's Manor where you defeated the
summoners.  Open the Manor doors behind him and step onto the waypoint.  Walk
past it and down the stairs until you reach the entrance to the Halls of Agony
level 1.  Once inside the Halls of Agony search and find the entrance to the
next level.  You will need to hack and slash your way through many minions to 
do so.  Halls of Agony level 2 will be the exact same way.  Both of these
levels are straight dungeon grinds.  Plow through level 2 until you reach the 
exit that leads to the Highlands Passage.  Make your way across the bridge and
down the stairs and you will shortly reach the entrance to the Cursed Hold.  
This dungeon will actually have you do something besides straight killing and
searching.  When you first enter you will see the ghost of Queen Asylla.  Speak
to her and she will ask you to help lay to rest her followers.  Move forward
into the Hold.  If you continue straight you will eventually come to a four
way intersection.  You will first need to explore the jail cells both to the
left and right sides of this intersection.  Each of the Prisoners Remains will
show up as a small golden ring on the minimap when you get close to them.  
Somplay move inside the respective cell and click on the skeleton that is lying
on the ground within the blue glow.  There will also be a non-interactable 
ghost pacing near the remains.  Once you have freed all six of them head back 
to the center of the four way intersection.  Here you will need to battle the
Warden and his summoned Savage Fiends

...XP - 1575
...Gold - 240

Once the Warden is laid to rest, head along the southwest path of the four way
intersection.  Once it comes to a T you will be able to see the entrance to the
Halls of Agony level 3.  Make you way around and to the stairs that will lead
you down to the entrance.  Once inside the Halls of Agony level 3, you will 
need to do the same as for the previous two levels of Halls of Agony.  Hack and
Slash your way through the level until you find the entrance to the Chamber of
Suffering.  Once inside, watch the cutscene and then battle The Butcher.

This will be your first true Boss Battle and will present to you the changes
made in Major Act boss battles for Diablo III.  The first thing you should take
note of is the floor.  It is a metal gridwork floor, but on top of that is a 
larger series of beams that seperate the floor into segments.  Each of these 
segments can and will start glowing red and then begin to damage you with fire
damage.  This is random so you will need to keep moving about the floor during
the entire battle.  There are also two Health Shrines in the room.  Just like
normal shrines they do refill over time.  The Butcher himself has a few
surprises.  First he has a single chain attack.  He will throw this chain out
and if it hits you then you will be pulled into close range with him.  Combine
this with the burning floor tiles and the damage can add up fast.  His second
attack is a frontal cone of similar chains.  These will be yellow as the 
previous chain attack was more blue.  There will be ten chains in this cone and
they will damage anyone struck by them.  The Butcher also has a very long 
straight stream fire breath attack.  Finally he will occasionally charge across
the room.  If he hits you then you will be stunned for a short time.  If you
can dodge out of the way then the Butcher will hit a wall and be himself
stunned.  Learn to watch for the attacks and move out of their way while
avoiding the fire from the grates below and The Butcher should drop easily.

...XP - 1650
...Gold -245

Once the Butcher is dead and you have gathered up all your loot, run north to 
the entrance to the Cells of the Condemned.  Enter them and follow the long 
flight of stairs that leads down.  Near the bottom of these stairs you will
witness a cutscene.  After that clear the area of the Dark Wizards, Dark
Cultists, Dark Ritualists, and Dark Berserkers.  When they are all dead speak
with the Stranger.

...XP - 7700
...Gold -980

 - Quest 10 - Return to New Tristram

.....Talk to Tyrael in New Tristram
.....Talk to the Caravan Leader

After speaking with the Stranger talk to Tyrael who is standing nearby.  He 
will direct you to return to New Tristram.  He will walk away and take a 
townportal back to town and leave the portal open for you to use.  Follow him
through the portal back to town and speak with him again.  Once you are
finished talking to Tyrael take care of any business that you need to in the 
town.  Then, when you are ready, approah the Caravan Leader near the waypoint
and leave, entering Act II.


Chapter III - Walkthrough - Act II - [03.Act2]



Act II begins with you at the entrance to the Hidden Camp.  Make your way into
the camp and familiarize yourself with the NPC's.  Once you are ready, make 
your way to the northern part of camp where you will find Leah and Tyreal.

 - Quest 1 - Shadows in the Desert

.....Go to the Caldeum Bazaar
.....Talk to Asheara
.....Go through the Sundered Canyon
.....Kill the ambushing cultists
.....Talk to the Enchantress in the Sundered Canyon
.....Kill the lacuni attacking the Iron Wolves
.....Talk to Iron Wolf Jarulf
.....Disrupt the Hidden Conclave ritual
     Disrupt the Secret Altar ritual
.....Go to the Black Canyon Bridge
.....Talk to the Enchantress


.....Sundered Canyon
Sand Wasp
Lacuni Huntress
Deranged Cultist
Accursed Hellion
Lacuni Warrior
Bone Warrior

.....Howling Plateau
Dune Thresher
Sand Wasp
Fallen Overseer
Lacuni Huntress
Crazed Cultist

.....Hidden Conclave
Pain Monger
Deranged Cultist
Bloated Corpse
    ~Voracious Torso

.....Secret Altar
Pain Monger
Deranged Cultist
Accursed Hellion
Frenzied Hellion
Crazed Cultist

Speak with Leah to begin your first quest of Act II.  Afterwards, she and 
Tyreal will leave the area.  You should follow them to find the entrance to the
Caldeum Bazaar.  This is where your search for Maghda will begin.  Enter the
Caldeum Bazaar.

Once you enter you will need to talk to Asheara.  She won't be hard to find as
she is only a few feet from the entrance.  She will direct you to the Khasim
Outpost.  Once you move into the heart of the Bazaar you will once again find
Leah and Tyreal.  Leah seems to have another quest for you.  Speak with her to
learn more of what she and Tyreal will do while you search for Maghda.  Once 
your have done so, feel free to inspect and talk to the local merchants.  When 
you are ready, move to the northeast and the entrance to the Sundered Canyon.
Just outside the bazaar you will meet your third and final companion, the
Enchantress.  Speak with her and she will join you on your quest.  Continue
down the very linear path to the end of the Canyon.  Prepare to face off
against Deranged Cultists and Accursed Hellions.  Once they are defeated, speak
with the Enchantress.  She will then clear the path that you may continue
through the canyon.

You will quickly run into a group of Iron Wolves.  You must protect them from
the attacking Lucani.  Slay the Lucani Huntress' and Lucani Warrior.  Then 
speak to Iron Wolf Jarulf.  He will inform you of the cultists you must attack
to proceed.  Follow the main road to the Howling Plateau.  Near the border of
the Hidden Plateau and the Sundered Canyon, the Enchantress will ask you to
look at the hidden foorprints.  There will be a small path in the sand.  Follow
this path to the first of the two dungeons you need to reach.

Enter the Hidden Conclave and slay the Pain Monger.  You will be able to see a
handful of Deranged Cultists performing a ritual.  Slay one of them to break
the ritual and the rest will turn on you.  They will also summon more to aid
them.  Clear the groups and then the Enchantress will direct you to leave and
head to the next area, the Secret Altar.  When you exit the Hidden Conclave,
the Enchantress will suddenly find a second set of hidden footprints.  Follow
them as you did the last to find the Secret Altar.  Enter the Secret Altar.  
This time you'll find a few Pain Mongers guarding the cultists and their 
ritual.  Slay them and then kill your first cultist to disrupt the ritual.
This time there will be Hellions and Crazed Cultists who join the frat to 
defend the ritual.  Once both rituals have been disrupted, the Enchantress will
send you to the Black Canyon Bridge.  Leaving the Secret Altar will place an
arrow on your map sending you towards the Bridge.  Follow it to reach the
Bridge.  When you reach the Bridge the Enchantress wishes to tell you more
about her history.  Listen to her story to complete this quest line.  You will
be given the option to use her as your companion immediately, either filling
that role or replacing your current companion.  The second quest will begin

...XP - 4400
...Gold - 490

 - Quest 2 - The Road to Alcarnus

.....Cross the Black Canyon Bridge
.....Find Khasim Outpost
.....Talk to Lieutenant Vachem
.....Enter the Command Post
.....Kill the demons in the Command Post
     Open the Locked Cage
.....Kill the disguised demons in Khasim Outpost
.....Talk to Captain Davyd in Khasim Outpost


.....Black Canyon Mines
Fallen Overseer
Dune Thresher
Sand Wasp

.....Stinging Winds (West)
Fallen Lunatic
Fallen Overseer
Sand Wasp
Dune Stinger
Dune Thresher

This quest begins by asking you to cross the Black Canyon Bridge, doing so puts
you into the Black Canyon Mines region.  Once here you will be asked to find 
the Khasim Outpost.  If you follow the main road you will eventually find that
the road is blocked.  You will then tell yourself which direction to travel to
reach the Khasim Outpost.  You will need to move to the next area, the Stinging
Winds.  There is nothing of note directly related to this quest in the Stinging
Winds, so make your way around the edge of the map until you find the stairs
leading up to Khasim Outpost.  Make your way in and then speak to Lieutenant
Vachem.  Enter the nearby command post.  Here you will not find Captain Davyd,
but instead you will find Mahgda.  Slay the Copperfang Lurkers that were 
disguised as guards and then free Captain Davyd from the cages.  Follow him 
outside and slay the other disguised Copperfang Lurkers.

...XP - 4600
...Gold - 500

After the battle, speak with Captain Davyd.  He will open Khasim Outpost's East
Gate and begin the third quest.

 - Quest 3 - City of Blood

.....Travel through Khasim Outpost's east gate
     Find Alcarnus
.....Find the Lair of the Witch in Alcarnus
     Bonus: Caged Prisoners save: 0/8
.....Kill Maghda
.....Return to the Hidden Camp


.....Stinging Winds (East)
Fallen Overseer
Crazed Cultist
Bone Warrior
Lacuni Huntress
Lacuni Warrior
Dune Stinger

.....Road to Alcarnus
Accursed Hellion
Pain Monger
Dune Stinger
Crazed Cultist
Deranged Cultist
Bone Warrior
Shatterbone~Acolyte of Torment
Frenzied Hellion
Crazed Cultist

Foul Conjurer
Vicious Mangler
Tormented Thrall
Deranged Cultist
Accursed Hellion
Corrupt Vessel
Crazed Summoner

.....Lair of the Witch
Maghda~Leader of the Coven
Thrall of Maghda

Move through the gate and enter the second half of the Stinging Winds.  Shortly
after moving into the east Stinging Winds a group of Craze Cultists, Fallen,
and Fallen overseers will ambush you.  Slay the group and then make your way
through the Stinging Winds (East).  Again, this zone has no impact on your main
quest.  Simply travel through it until you reach the Road to Alcarnus.  This
area is very small and quickly leads you to Alcarnus.  Just as you approach the
entrance to the city a Champion named Shatterbone~Acolyte of Torment will
appear.  He will be joined by several Crazed Cultists and Frenzied Hellions.
You can quickly die if you are unprepared for this ambush.  Try to kite 
Shatterbone while clearing out his minions before taking on the behemoth.  Once
he is dead enter the city.  Once on the bridge your quest will be updated.

In the city you will need to search for the Lair of the Witch.  If you so
desire, you may also complete the bonus quest to save the Caged Prisoners.
They will be easy to spot, marked as red cicles on your minimap when you get
close to them.  Simply click on the cages to release them.  Explore the city
until the familiar yellow arrow appears telling you that you are close to the
Lair of the Witch.  Enter the lair to challenge Maghda.

Maghda is what you would expect from a sub-boss.  Like the Skeleton King she is
a full boss, but nothing like the end of Act bosses.  She has a close range
breath attack that doesn't deal much damage.  Try not to be close to her when
she summons her minions as there is a small explosion that can very much hurt
you.  You'll know when this is about to happen because she shields herself
inside a bubble that makes her immune to attacks.  Slay the adds and then
return focus on the witch.  Keep in mind that as long as her minions are out 
she will remain immune to attacks.  This is not a boss that you can ignore adds
on.  Continue this way for three to four waves of adds and you will defeat her.

...XP - 6600
...Gold - 765

Once Maghda is slain, return to the Hidden Camp via your portal spell.  Doing
so will reward you with a small cut scene and end this quest.

 - Quest 4 - A Royal Audience

.....Talk to Asheara at the Gates of Caldeum
.....Talk to Asheara to enter the Imperial Palace
.....Kill the demons in the Imperial Palace
.....Demon Summoners destroyed 0/4
.....Escape the Imperial Palace
.....Escape to the Sewers of Caldeum


.....Imperial Palace
Writhing Deceiver

.....City of Caldeum
Writhing Deceiver
Scaled Magus
Demon Summoner

After returning to the Hidden camp following Magdha's defeat, Tyreal will be 
waiting nearby to start the fourth quest of Act II.  Speak with him.  After the
two of you speak, head to the Caldeum Bazaar.  Once there head west to the 
Gates of Caldeum where Asheara is speaking to the Captain.  Speak to her and 
then follow her to the entrance of the Imperial Palace.  Speak to her again to
be teleported to the emperor.  Watch the small cutscene and then slay the
hordes of Writhing Deceivers which appear.  Exit through the gates to the City
of Caldeum.  Follow the linear path killing the Scaled Magi and Writhing
Deceivers in your path until you reach the Demon Summoners.  Destroy them and
the demons they summon.  At this point you'll be told to escape to the sewers.
Continue on the linear path killing demons as you go, until you reach a
fountain and a dead end.  Move to the southeast side of the fountain where you
can see a sewer grate and Leah will open an exit to the sewers for you to
enter.  Once you enter this very short quest will be complete.

...XP - 1875
...Gold - 260

 - Quest 5 - Unexpected Allies

.....Find the Wretched Pit
.....Kill the snakemen guarding Adria
.....Talk to Adria in the Wretched Pit
.....Talk to Adria in the Hidden Camp


.....Sewers of Caldeum
Skeletal Sentry
Bone Warrior
Stinging Swarm
Diseased Bodies
Skeletal Ranger

.....Wretched Pit
Writhing Deceiver
Goz'turr The Torturer~Reaper of Pain

You'll begin this quest once you enter the Sewers of Caldeum.  Make your way
through the short map of the sewers until you find the entrance to the Wretched
Pit.  Watch the short cutscene and then slay the Snakemen and their leader that
you find.  Afterwards speak to Adria.  Follow her and Leah through the portal
to the Hidden Camp and speak to her again.  This will end the fifth quest of
Act two.

...XP - 5200
...Gold - 530

 - Quest 6 - Betrayer of the Horadrim

.....Find the oasis gate in the Flooded Causeway
.....Talk to Emperor Hakan II in the Flooded Causeway
.....Find Dahlgur Oasis
.....Enter the Forgotten Ruins in Dahlgur Oasis
.....Find Zoltun Kulle's Head
.....Get Zoltun Kulle's Head 0/1
.....Talk to Adria in the Hidden Camp


.....Ruined Cistern
Electric Eel
Bone Warrior
Stinging Swarm
Writhing Deceiver

.....Dahlgur Oasis
Dune Dervish
Fallen Peon
Fallen Lunatic
Fallen Master
Fallen Conjurer
Writhing Deceiver
Gore Harrier
Copperfang Lurker
Serpent Magus

.....The Forgotten Ruins
Skeletal Sentry
Bone Warrior
Spine Hewer
Shock Guardian
Blazing Guardian
Desiccated Imp
Guardian Tower
    ~Icy Spiderling
Ancient Guardian~Horadric Mage Construct

Speak with Leah at the Hidden Camp after saving Adria.  Watch the small
cutscene and then enter the Caldeum Bazaar.  Once again move towards the center
of the Bazaar but this time head south from there to enter the Flooded
Causeway.  Strangely enough the Emperor awaits you near the entrance to the 
oasis gate.  Speak with him and then move through the gate he opens.  Take the
ladder leading down into the Ruined Cistern.  Fight your way through the 
Ruined Cistern until you find the ladder leading up to the Oasis.  Take the 
ladder up.  From here you'll be prompted to find and enter the Forgotten Ruins.
The Dahlgur Oasis is a large zone and as many of the zones in Act II has no 
other impatc on your quest.  Search this area until you find the entrance to 
the Forgotten Ruins.  Enter the ruins and your quest log will update.  You must
now begin the search for Zoltun Kulle's Head.  Fight your way deep into the 
ruins until you come upon the Head of Zoltun Kulle.  It will sppear floating in
the center of a platform.  Once you grab and loot the head the Ancient Guardian
will climb from the edge of the platform.  This guy hits very hard but is also
very slow.  Easy to kite while waiting on potion respawns and slow enough to 
sit through most area of effect abilities.  Use this knowledge to easily
defeat him.  Once he is defeated you can take the portal out of the dungeon or
just town portal straight back to the Hidden Camp.  This is where you need to
go whichever choice you make.  Once back at the Hidden Camp, talk to Adria.
This will end the sixth quest.

...XP - 7425
...Gold - 810

 - Quest 7 - Blood and Sand

     Part One
.....Enter the Ancient Waterway in Dahlgur Oasis
.....Weastern Flow Control level pulled: 0/1
     Eastern Flow Control level pulled: 0/1
     Open the entrance to the Waterlogged Passage

     Part Two
.....Enter the Waterlogged Passage fromt he Ancient Waterway
.....Kill the Betrayed
.....Break the Talking Barrel
.....Talk to Covetous Shen
.....Find the Crucible in the Hidden Aqueducts
.....Pick up the Crucible: 0/1
.....Go to the Ancient Path
.....Get the Blood of Zoltun Kulle from the Cave of the Betrayer (0/1)
     Get the Blood of Zoltun Kulle from the Vault of the Assassin (0/1)


.....Western Channel
Skeletal Raider
Skeletal Warrior
Noxious Guardian

.....Eastern Channel
Murderous Fiend
Copperfang Lurker
Electric Eel
Vile Swarm
Blood Nest
    ~Savage Flyer

.....Waterlogged Passage
Diseased Bodies

.....Hidden Aqueduct
Electric Eel
Vile Swarm
Scaled Magus
Doom Viper
Gavin The Thief~Plaguebearer

.....Ancient Path
Fallen Cur
Fallen Master
Stinging Swarm

.....Desolate Sands
Vile Swarm
Desert Hornet
Lacuni Slasher
Gore Harrier
Sand Dweller
Lacuni Slasher
Lacuni Stalker
Bone Warrior
Charged Construct
Skeletal Bowmaster

.....Cave of the Betrayer
Charged Stinger
Murderous Fiend
Vile Swarm
Brood Hatchling
Slime Spewer
Larva Sack
Webspitter Spider

.....Vault of the Assassin
Copperfang Lurker
Blazing Guardian
Skeletal Raider
Skeletal Warrior
Skeletal Bowmaster
Guardian Tower
Vicious Magewraith

.....Unknown Depths
Rock Giant
Chilling Construct
Skeletal Bowmaster
Skeletal Warrior
Chilling Construct
Desiccated Imp
Toxic Construct
Arcane Lock

.....Storm Halls
Rock Giant
Skeletal Bowmaster
Skeletal Raider
Guardian Tower
Charged Construct
Toxic Construct
Shocking Crawler
Venomous Spinner
Dust Imp
Arcane Construct
Arcane Lock

.....Realm of Shadow
Grim Wraith
Guardian Tower
Sand Behemoth
Shade Stalker

Speak to the newly summoned Zoltun Kulle and agree to his bargain.  Take the 
waypoint out to Dahlgur Oasis.  Search the Oasis for the Ancient Waterway.  Be
prepared to fight off a group of Scaled Magi and their leader.  Afterwards, 
Zoltun will appear and open the entrance for you.  Once inside you will be able
to enter the Western Channel.  Make your way through to the entrance of the 
Western Flow Control room.  There won't be much resistance trying to reach the
room.  Once inside, pull the lever and then take the entrance to the Eastern
Channel that is right next to the lever.  Once inside search the dungeon for 
the Eastern Flow Control room.  Once in the room pull the lever.  This will 
open a passage at the beginning that Leah says should lead to the Desolate

...XP - 1950
...Gold - 265

Take the now open stairs next to you to reach the beginning of the 
Ancient Waterway and then take the Waterlogged Passage.  Kill the Diseased 
Bodies that spawn the Betrayed's and then finish off the Betrayd's.  
Afterwards, break open the talking barrel.  Move forward and open the Aqueduct
Door.  Just inside you will find the entrance to the Hidden Aqueducts.  Take 
this entrance and then make your way through until you run into Gavin The Thief
who is guarding the Crucible.  The only thing to worry about with him is to not
stand in his green plague circles.  He can be reset by running away from the
crucible.  Use this to your advantage if you need to, but be aware of it even
if you don't.  It would not be wise to reset him when he was near death.  Once
he is dead, take the Crucible and then go to the Ancient Path.  

 - Quest 8 - The Black Soulstone

     Part One
.....Search for the Archives of Zoltun Kulle in the Desolate Sands
.....Go to the Terminus
.....Unknown Depths Shadow Lock opened
     Storm Halls Shadow Lock opened
     Part Two
.....Enter the Realm of Shadow through the Terminus
.....Find Zoltun Kulle's Body (0/1)

     Part Three
.....Talk to Leah in the Terminus
.....Enter the Soulstone Chamber through the Terminus
.....Talk to Zoltun Kulle
.....Kill Zoltun Kulle
.....Get the Black Soulstone
.....Talk to Adria in the Hidden Camp


.....Desolate Sands
Vile Swarm
Desert Hornet
Lacuni Slasher
Gore Harrier
Sand Dweller
Lacuni Slasher
Lacuni Stalker
Bone Warrior
Charged Construct
Skeletal Bowmaster

.....Cave of the Betrayer
Charged Stinger
Murderous Fiend
Vile Swarm
Brood Hatchling
Slime Spewer
Larva Sack
Webspitter Spider

.....Vault of the Assassin
Copperfang Lurker
Blazing Guardian
Skeletal Raider
Skeletal Warrior
Skeletal Bowmaster
Guardian Tower
Vicious Magewraith

.....Unknown Depths
Rock Giant
Chilling Construct
Skeletal Bowmaster
Skeletal Warrior
Chilling Construct
Desiccated Imp
Toxic Construct
Arcane Lock

.....Storm Halls
Rock Giant
Skeletal Bowmaster
Skeletal Raider
Guardian Tower
Charged Construct
Toxic Construct
Shocking Crawler
Venomous Spinner
Dust Imp
Arcane Construct
Arcane Lock

.....Realm of Shadow
Grim Wraith
Guardian Tower
Sand Behemoth
Shade Stalker

.....Soulstone Chamber
Zoltun Kulle~Dark Horadrim
Eternal Guardian~Dark Horadric Construct

Walk along the Ancient Path until you are in the Desolate Sands.  This is a
very large area compared to most and will take you some time to explore and
find the two dungeons that you are looking for.

Once you find the Cave of the betrayer enter it and make your way through the
levels until you find the Blood of Zoltun.  Exit the cave and search the
Desolate Sands for the Vault of the Assassin.  Explore the vault until you find
the next Blood of Zoltun.  Both dungeons are very simple.  No boss fights, no
events.  They feel more like the micro dungeons found throughout the game, only

...XP - 7700
...Gold - 825

Once you've aquired the Bloods, search the perimeter of the Desolate Sands
until you find a small square area off the edge of the map.  Here you will find
the Archives of Zoltun Kulle.  Once you find them your quest will update and
tell you to go to the Terminus.  Click on the Archives to enter.  After a 
conversation head forward into the Archives until you come to a red raised
platform.  Here you will have another conversation and be given the choice of 
entering one of the next areas.  It does not matter which you choose first as 
you will have to do both.

The area to the left is the Unknown depths.  At this point in time in the game
you will start getting into the base dungeon crawls that past Diablo games are
more well known for.  Crawl through the dungeon hacking and slashing your foes
until you reach the end of the area.  You'll know you're there when you see a 
Ring with dark red runes spinning around a central pedistal.  Destroy the
Arcane locks and exit the Unknown depths.  The second zone to the right is just
like the Unknown Depths.  This area is called the Storm Halls.  Although the 
name, dungeon graphics, and enemies are different the goal and method is the
same.  Kill all in your path until you reach the end.  Destroy the Arcane Lock
and exit back to the Terminus.

...XP - 2100
...Gold - 275

Once you return to the Terminus head to the center or northeastern platform and
enter the Realm of Shadow.  Once inside you must find Zoltun Kulle's body.  
This area should remind you of both the previous dungeons except that there is
a rusty gaseous haze over the entire area.  Besides that it is fought the exact
same way.  Grind to the end until you see a blue glowing circle.  Within will 
be Zoltun's body.  Click on it to obtain it.

...XP - 2175
...Gold - 280

Take the exit to once again return to the Terminus.  Here Leah will be awaiting
your return.  Speak with her and then watch the cutscene unfold.  Finally, at 
the center of the Terminus will be a portal to take you to the Soulstone
Chamber.  Enter and prepare for the boss battle ahead.  Right off the bat,
Zoltun will have to large constructs that will aide him during this battle.
You can either concentrate on taking them out first or if you can handle the 
minimul damage they put out just ignore them.  Zoltun himself is not very 
complex.  He uses regular fireball attacks thrown at his target.  He will 
occasionally use a bubble that absorbs damage, and he also has a lightning bolt
attack that radiates out from his body.  Once he is defeated, move in and claim
the Black Soulstone.  Take it back to Adria at the Hidden Camp.  Listen to what
she has to say to complete this quest.

...XP - 10,150
...Gold - 1120

 - Quest 9 - The Scouring of Caldeum

.....Find Asheara in the Caldeum Bazaar
.....Talk to Asheara
.....Lead Caldeum refugees to the Flooded Causeway
     Bonus: Caldeum refugees saved: 00

This is a fairly short quest and more of an event than a quest.  First leave
the Hidden Camp and head to the Caldeum Bazaar.  Things are very different
here now.  Find and speak to Asheara and then move around the bazaar to reach
refugees.  Note that they will not show up on the minimap until you are within
a certain range, perhaps 25 meters.  Once you find them simply walk near them
and they will follow you.  You can take them one by one or in groups to the 
entrance to the Flooded Causeway.  The main thing to be on the lookout for here
are the large green circles on the ground.  Don't stand in them and try not to 
run through them.  The damage can hurt you or the refugees.  Once the bazaar is
clear of refugees the quest is over.

...XP - 330
...Gold - 190

 - Quest 10 - Lord of Lies

     Part One
.....Enter the City of Caldeum with Leah and Adria
.....Go to the Imperial Palace
.....Kill Belial
.....Obtain the Soul of Belial in the Imperial Palace

     Part Two
.....Talk to Tyrael at the Hidden Camp
.....Talk to the Caracan Leader to leave Caldeum


.....City of Caldeum
Scaled Magus
Doom Viper
Fallen Master
Kamyr~Stalker of Shadows

.....Imperial Palace
Veiled Sentinel
Belial~Lord of Lies

After saving as many refugees as you can you will be directed to enter the City
of Caldeum.  Head that way and meet Leah and Adria at the entrance to the city.
Head into the city and fight your way up to the Imperial Palace.  You will be
stopped at about the halfway point, where the path bends towards the palace,
by Kamyr.  Slay him and continue on to the palace where a surprise awaits you.

When you enter the Imperial palace, Belial will be waiting for you.  He will 
once again summon false guards who turn into Veiled Sentinels.  Defeat them and
move forwards to face Belial.  His first phase is very simple.  He will
occasionally teleport around the area.  Besides that it's just hitting him
until he succumbs and moves on to phase two.  Phase two is very different.  You
will face off against Belial on the half circle platform that surrounds him.  
At this point he has three main attacks that you should try and avoid.  The 
first is his most used and basic attack.  He will slam one of his arms into the
ground.  You can see him raise the arm and bring it down so you should be able
to dodge this easily as there will be a green circle on the ground when he will
slam it down.  The second is faily visual.  He has a green flame breath that he
will sweep accross the platform.  Get as far from the center as you can to
avoid it.  The final attack is a rain of green balls.  Again this will be easy
to avoid as there will be green circles all over the platform showing where
they will strike.  Avoid these attacks while hitting belial whenever you can 
and he will drop with time.  When he is finally dead, walk over and take his

...XP - 2325
...Gold - 290

After Belial has been defeated, use your town portal spell to go back to the
Hidden Camp.  Speak with Tyrael there and you will learn what awaits you in the
next Act.

...XP - 8525
...Gold - 870

Once you have spoken with Tyrael, prepare yourself to leave the deserts of
Act II.  After you have talked to any NPC's you wish to speak with and done any
other preperation, speak to the Caravan Leader to depeat and begin Act III.


Chapter IV - Walkthrough - Act III - [04.Act3]



Act III begins with you on top of Bastion's Keep Watchtower.  Speak to Tyrael,
who is standing next to you, to begin your quest here in thsis frozen waste.

 - Quest 1 - The Siege of Bastion's Keep

.....Signal Beacons in the Skycrown Battlement's lit: 0/5
.....Find Sergeant Dalen in the Skycrown Battlements


.....Skycrown Battlements
Demon Trooper
Fallen Mongrel
Fallen Hellhound
Fallen Grunt
Fallen Prophet
Fallen Firemage
Demonic Hellflyer
Demonic Hellbearer
Colossal Golgor

Make your way down the steps from the watchtower and enter the Armory.  
Familiarize yourself with the area if you want but quickly head on to the 
Bastion's Keep Stronghold.  his is the main hub for Act III.  All of your
usual vendors and companions will be here as well as your stash.  Make your way
north past the blacksmith and hang a right.  Take this path to reach the
outside of the keep.  There will be a handful of Demon Troopers is you wish to
partake in battle, but otherwise run past them and enter the Skycrown

This will be a long crawl through wave after wave of enemies as you once again
fight your way through an area.  Keep an eye out on the minimap for locations
of the Signal Fires.  You'll need to find a total of five of them and light 
them all.  Once you light the final signal fire you'll be told to find 
Sergeant Dalen.  This part of the quest will actually complete when you get
within a certain distance of the sergeant and may even complete immediately 
when you aquire it if you are close enough.

...XP - 6200
...Gold - 580

 - Quest 2 - Turning the Tide

.....Catapults raised in Stonefort: 0/3
.....Return to the Bastion's Keep Stronghold


Fallen Grunt
Fallen Mongrel
Fallen Prophet
Colossal Golgor

Demon Trooper
Fallen Hellhound
Fallen Firemage
Demonic Hellflyer
Demonic Hellbearer

Once you reach and speak with Sergeant Dalen, you will be asked to raise three
catapuls in the Stonefort.  Take the entrance to the Stoneport firectly behind
the sergeant.  These will each take place as special events within the chapter.
They could come in any order but I will list them in the order I received them.
These events will be the only ones listed in the main walkthrough as they are
Act Quest specific and must be fulfiled in order to progress the story.

 - Act III Event - Raising Recruits

Raising Recruits
.....Free the recruits so they can raise the catapult.

Location: Stonefort

.....Destroy the Barricade
.....Protect the recruits as they raise the catapult

This is one of three storymode specific events.  In each of them you must 
protect the soldiers that are attempting to raise the catapults.  The better
you protect them the faster the catapult will raise.  There will be a "Catapult
Level" Bar with your objectives.  This bar will fill as the catapult is raised.
Once it is full you will have successfully raised a catapult.  You must do this
at least three times with seperate events.

Your first goal here will be to destroy the barricade that is blocking a door.
Once you've done that, recruits will slowly come out from the now freed door
and man the lift pullies that will raise the catapults.  Your job is to keep
the enemy forces from attacking them.  You will not fail at this.  The better
job you do at it will speed up the process.  Once the catapult bar is full you
will have completed this catapult event.

...XP - 2250
...Gold - 285

 - Act III Event - Protect and Serve

Protect and Serve
.....Protect the soldiers raising the catapult.

Location: Stonefort

.....Protect the soldiers raising the catapult

This is one of three storymode specific events.  In each of them you must 
protect the soldiers that are attempting to raise the catapults.  The better
you protect them the faster the catapult will raise.  There will be a "Catapult
Level" Bar with your objectives.  This bar will fill as the catapult is raised.
Once it is full you will have successfully raised a catapult.  You must do this
at least three times with seperate events.

This event to raise a catapult is the most straight forward of the three.  The
recruits are already present when you arrive and all you must do is fight off
the enemies that are trying to stop them.

...XP - 2250
...Gold - 285

 - Act III Event - Manual Override

Manual Override
.....Turn the winch to raise the catapult.

Location: Stonefort

.....Use the Winch to raise the catapult

This is one of three storymode specific events.  In each of them you must 
protect the soldiers that are attempting to raise the catapults.  The better
you protect them the faster the catapult will raise.  There will be a "Catapult
Level" Bar with your objectives.  This bar will fill as the catapult is raised.
Once it is full you will have successfully raised a catapult.  You must do this
at least three times with seperate events.

This event to raise a catapult is only slightly different from Protect and
Serve.  You will still need to fight off the enemies trying to stop the 
catapult from rising, but it will be much slower if that is all you do.  In 
this event, you have the option to man a winch yourself to speed up the rise.
You will have to balance working the wench and killing the attackers.  Again,
you can complete this quest by just killing, but it will be slower.

...XP - 2250
...Gold - 285

Once all three catapults are raised you'll need to return to the Bastion's Keep
Stronghold.  Use your teleport spell to do so.  Your quest will then be

 - Quest 3 - The Breached Keep

.....Find the Keep Depths Level 2
.....Find the Breach in the Keep Depths
.....Find the Bastion's Keep Larder
.....Kill Ghom in the Larder
.....Return to the Bastion's Keep Stronghold


.....The Keep Depths level 1
Soul Ripper
Icy Quillback
Demon Trooper
Skeletal Marauder
Dark Skeletal Bowman

.....The Keep Depths level 2
Demonic Tremor
Fallen Maniac
Soul Ripper
Skeletal Marauder
Dark Skeletal Bowman
Icy Quillback
Swift Skull Cleaver
Demon Raider

.....The Keep Depths level 3
Dark Skeletal Bowman
Icy Quillback
Swift Skull Cleaver
Demonic Tremor
Skeletal Marauder

.....The Larder
Ghom~Lord of Gluttony

Beginning in the Stronghold, make your way to the northwest portion of the
main stronghold area.  There you will find the entrance to the Keep Depths
level 1.  This will be a normal clean dungeon crawl to search for the entrance
to the second level.  Once you find it take it down.  Another straight forward
dungeon crawl, this time on the second level you will be looking for a way to
the outside of the keep.  You'll know you've found it when you see an archway
with snow on the steps and flagstones beyond.  Leave the saftey of the depths
and make your way to the entrance to the Keep Depths level 3.  Upon entering 
level 3 your quest objectives will be updated.  Another straight crawl, search
the entire level until you find yet another set of stairs leading down to the

Once in the Larder, you will have a more specific target.  Kill Ghom.  The
fight is one of the simplest in the game, even more so than some early Act I
bosses.  Ghom will spew out a green gas that can damage you, but it is so
minimul that I barely noticed I even took damage.  Beat him to a pulp to earn
the rewards for this part of the quest.

...XP - 2475
...Gold - 300

Once Ghom is defeate, take your townportal spell back to Bastion's Keep
Stronghold to complete quest 3.

 - Quest 4 - Tremors in the Stone

.....Go to the Armory
.....Kill the Shadow Vermin


Terror Spawn

Once again, arriving at the Stronghold will trigger comments from the Vision of
Azmodan and direction for you next quest.  After the vision passes, speak to
the nearby Lieutenant Lavail who will ask you to go to the Armory.  The Armory
is located just behind the blacksmith.  Take the stairs down into this area.
You will be provided with a small cutscene and then asked to kill the Shadow
Vermin.  Once you kill them, speak with Leah who is standing nearby.

 - Quest 5 - Machines of War

.....Go through the Arreat Gate
.....Talk to Sergeant Pale ourside the Arreat Gate
.....Cross the Bridge of Korsikk
.....Demonic Ballistae destroyed: 0/3
     Trebuchet destroyed: 0/1
.....Find Rakkis Crossing


.....The Battlefields
Herald of Pestilence
Hell Bringer
Winged Molok

.....The Bridge of Korsikk
Demonic Tremor
Blood Clan Warrior

.....Fields of Slaughter
Blood Clan Warrior
Blood Clan Spearman
Blood Clan Sorcerer
Demonic Ballistae~Dread War Machine
Hell Bringer
Winged Molok
Demonic Tremor
Herald of Pestilence

After speaking to Leah speak to nearby Tyrael.  He will tell you to head for 
the Arreat Gate.  Head back upstairs to the main Stronghold, go past the 
blacksmith and make a right.  Head outside as if you were heading back to the
Skycrown Battlements, but instead continue straight ahead at the signal fire.
Here you will find the Arreat Gate.  Make your way along the linear path until
you reach Sergeant Pale.  Speak with him and he will send you to the Bridge of
Korsikk.  Battle your way through the Battlefields to reach the bridge.  The
bridge is short and quickly deposits you on the other side and in the Fields of
Slaughter.  Once in the fields you can finally tackle your target.  You must 
find and destroy three Demonic Ballistae and one Trebuchet.  Search the Fields
and watch your minimap.  The targets will show up very visibley almost like
small Diablo heads surrounded in glowing flame colored red.  Once they have all
been destroyed and the keep is safer, find your way around the Fields of 
Slaughter until you reach the entrance to Rakkis Crossing.  Once you reach this
very long bridge your quest will end.

 - Quest 6 - Siegebreaker

.....Find the demon gate at the Edge of the Abyss
.....Kill the Siegebreaker Assault Beast
.....Talk to Adria near the demon gate


.....Rakkis Crossing
Blood Clan Warrior
Fallen Soldier
Blazing Ghoul
Colossal Golgor

.....Edge of the Abyss
Siegebreaker Assault Beast~Living Siege Engine of Hell

Once on the bridge you will have to fight tooth and nail to make your way to
the other end of the bridge.  It will not be a short bridge so don't try to 
just rush through it.  Once you reach the end you will find the entrance to the
Edge of the Abyss.  Prepare for a single target Boss battle once you enter
the Abyss.  The Siegebreaker may look big, but he'll fall hard.  He will grab
and throw you away from him which won't cause much damage.  He'll also do a 
ground slam in a frontal cone.  Finally, watch out for his aoe ground stomp.
All of these moves have obvious shows.  Avoid them or just pound through them
as the Siegebreaker is not a major boss and should not be a major challenge.
Once he dies, Adria will appear in the middle of the battle site.  Go and speak
with her to complete this quest and move on to the final quest of Act III.

 - Quest 7 - Heart of Sin

     Part One
.....Go through Arreat Crater and find the Tower of the Damned
.....Find the Sin Heart in the Heart of the Damned
.....Kill the Daughters of Pain
     Destroy the Sin Heart

     Part Two
.....Find the Tower of the Cursed
.....Find the Sin Heart in the Heart of the Cursed
.....Kill Cydaea

     Part Three
.....Destroy the Sin Heart
.....Kill Azmodan in the Heart of Sin
.....Get the Soul of Azmodan

     Part Four
.....Return to the Bastion's Keep Stronghold
.....Talk to Lieutenant Lavail
.....Enter the Armory
.....Go to the Keep Tower
.....Enter the Portal to Heaven


.....Arreat Crater level 1
Bloated Malachor
Fallen Soldier
Fallen Firemage
Stygian Crawler
Demonic Serpent
Hell Bringer
Herald of Pestilence

.....Tower of the Damned Level 1
Blazing Ghoul
Hulking Phasebeast

.....Tower of the Damned Level 2
Hulking Phasebeast

.....Heart of the Damned
Hulking Phasebeast
Soul Lasher
Cydaea~Maiden of Lust
Sin Heart

.....Arreat Crater level 2
Stygian Crawler
Hulking Phasebeast
Blood Clan Occultist
Blood Clan Impaler
Hellhide Tremor
Demonic Serpent
Soul Lasher

.....Tower of the Cursed level 1
Blood Clan Impaler
Blazing Ghoul

.....Tower of the Cursed level 2
Blood Clan Occultist
Blood Clan Mauler

.....Heart of the Cursed
Cydaea~Maiden of Lust
Sin Heart

.....The Core of Arreat
Hulking Phasebeast

.....Heart of Sin
Azmodan~Lord of Sin

While still in the Edge of the Abyss, go through the exit to reach Arreat 
Crater level 1.  The majority of this quest, one of the largest in the game, 
will be one large dungeon crawl with several boss kills breaking the monotony.
Bash your way through Arreat Crater Level 1 until you reach the entrance to 
Tower of the Damned Level 1.  The tower levels of this quest will make you run
in circles for each of their stages to make it to the next level.  Run these
circles, while cleaving the enemies from your path, through both Tower of the
Damned Level 1 and Tower of the Damned Level 2.  At the end of the second level
you will reach the entrance to the Heart of the damned.  The Heart of the 
Damned is yet another tower ring level, but halfway to the exit you will run
into Cydaea.  She's another faily simple Champion boss.  When she reaches about
half health she will slither up her spiders string and run, leaving you to play
with her daughters.  Slay them and destroy the Sin Heart.  

...XP - 2550
...Gold - 305

With the first Sin Heart destroyed, continue on your way down the tower and
into Arreat Crater level 2.  Battles will be thicker here than in the first
level of the Arreat Crater, but the goal is the same.  Destroy and clear your
way to the exit which leads to Tower of the Cursed Level 1 and Tower of the
Cursed Level 2.  Like the previously mentioned tower levels, you will need to
circle your way down and down these two levels killing everything in your path
until you reach the entrance to the Heart of the Cursed.  Prepare yourself for
a single target boss battle as you usally do.  For here you will fight Cydaea
to the death.  She is still a very simple tank and spank boss battle.  Kill her
and you will move on to the next part of this quest.

...XP - 6800
...Gold - 610

Before leaving the Heart of the Cursed be sure to destroy the second Sin Heart.
After that head to the exit which will lead you to The Core of Arreat.  This
will be a very short path that will lead you to the entrance to the Heart of
Sin.  Here you must prepare to face Azmodan, Lord of Sin.  Azmodan is your 
true boss battle for this Act so prepare to actually use your mind a bit, but
not too much.  Azmodan has several attacks that you must watch out for.  First
off he will regularly attack with a ground slam.  This is his basic attack.  He
will also shoot fireballs out towards the area around you.  These can be easily
avoided by watching for the black circles that will appear on the ground before
they strike.  Occasionally Azmodan will also rain dead corpses across the field
of battle.  They do very little damage to you and are more annoying than 
dangerous.  Azmodans most dangerous attack though is the damaging aoe circles
that he places on the ground.  These are very visually different from the black
circles that show you where a fireball will land.  When he begins to place 
these on the ground get ready for a lot of moving.  He will palce them, one 
right after another, in very quick succession and with good accuracy as to
where you are and where you will be.  Just continue moving constantly, 
zigzagging to maximize space.  He may cast fifteen to twenty before he goes 
back to his other attacks.  If you can survive this wave of damage then you can
bring him down.  Once Azmodan is slain, retrieve his soul.

...XP - 12,250
...Gold - 1240

Once you have Azmodan's soul, use your townportal spell to travel back to 
Bastion's Keep Stronghold.  There you will need to talk to Lieutenant Lavail.
He will direct you to visit the Armory.  Head there now and take in what seems
to have taken place.  Exit the Armory through the opposite exit that leads to
the Bastion's Keep Watchtower.  Watch the events unfold.

...XP - 12,250
...Gold - 1240

Once the scene plays out, enter the Portal to Heaven to end Act III and being
the Final act.


Chapter V - Walkthrough - Act IV - [05.Act4]



Act IV begins with you just inside the entrance of the Diamond Gates.  You'll
already have the beginning of your first quest when Act IV starts.

 - Quest 1 - Fall of the High Heavens

.....Talk to Tyrael at the Diamond Gates
.....Enter the Vestibule of Light
.....Kill Iskatu and his minions

Make your way forward along the path and grab the waypoint.  Continue on until
you come to Tyrael and Imperius.  Listen to their conversation and then speak
with Tyrael.  He will send you forward to the Vestibule of Light.  Once you 
enter the Vestibule you will be beset by Iskatu and his minions.  Dozens upon
Dozens of them will apear but they are so easy to kill.  You can easily kill
twenty, thirty, and maybe fourty of them in a single aoe attack each time.  
After killing several Iskatu will appear.  He has no abilities to speak of 
besides a basic attack.  At least he never lives long enough to show them.  
Clear the area and move on to the opposite side.

...XP - 7000
...Gold - 620

 - Quest 2 - The Light of Hope

     Part One
.....Find Itherael
.....Talk to Itherael
.....Find the Library of Fate in the Gardens of Hope
.....Enter the Library of Fate
.....Kill Rakanoth
.....Talk to Auriel in the Library of Fate

     Part Two
.....Return to Gardens of Hope 1st Tier
.....Find and destroy the Corrupt Growths to reveal the hidden Hell Rift
      portal in the Gardens of Hope 1st Tier
.....Destroy the Rift Occulus in the Hell Rift
.....Use Auriel's portal to leave the Hell Rift
.....Enter the Gardens of Hope 2nd Tier
.....Find and destroy the Corrupt Growths to reveal the hidden Hell Rift
      portal in the Gardens of Hope 2nd Tier
.....Destroy the Rift Occulus in the Hell Rift
.....Use Auriel's portal to leave the Hell Rift
.....Find the portal to the Crystal Colonnade
.....Talk to Tyrael
.....Enter the Crystal Colonnade


.....Gardens of Hope 1st Tier
Armored Destroyer
Bile Crawler
Vile Temptress
Corrupt Growth

.....Library of Fate
Rakanoth~Lord of Despair

.....Hell Rift
Warpping Horror
Vile Temptress
Spine Lasher
Hellhide Tremor
Rift Occulus

.....Gardens of Hope 2nd Tier
Darksky Fire Demon
Corrupted Angel
Mounted Armaddon
Morlu Invader

Once you reach the other end of the Vestibule of Light you will come upon
another waypoint and Ithereal.  Speak with him to gain guidance on the next leg
of your journey through the High Heavens.  Behind him stands the entrance to
the Gardens of Hope 1st Tier.  Enter the area and begin your search for the 
Library of Fate.  Explore this area while killing to find the entrance to
the Library.  You may noticed several branches are cut off by what looks
like earthen growths, possibly slightly volcanic.  Remember what these look
like for later.  For now enter the Library.  Clearly you have another boss
fight ahead of you.  Rakanoth is another very simple boss and he only has two
simple attacks to mention.  The first is a forward arc water breath like attack
that launches five to six water globules in front of him.  This is easy to
avoid as with most boss missle attacks.  Simply look for the blue circles on
the ground and don't stand in them.  His second attack is a knockback that he
performs as a spinning attack.  Watch out for the water attack, but otherwise
just pound him into the ground.  Loot his corpse and make your way to Auriel
who is now waiting for you near the exit to the Library of Fates.

...XP - 2700
...Gold - 315

After you have spoken with Auriel it is time to return to the Gardens of Hope 
1st Tier with your newly aquired ability.  Return to all those molten earthen
growths at the intersections and destroy them.  You can now target them and 
know they are called Corrupt Growths.  Once you destroy them all a Rift Portal
will open where the final one was located.  You may run across Auriel before 
you open the Rift.  If so he will turn you away, but remember where he is for
future reference.  For now enter the Rift.  Fight your way to the end of the
Rift until you come to a large glowing red growth from the ground.  This is the
Rift Occulus.  It will be protected by a champion.  Slay him, destroy the Rift
Offculus and return to the Garden's of Hope.  From here you'll repeat the same
steps.  Go to the Garden's of Hope 2nd Tier, right your way through the area
slaying Corrupted Growths until you find a second Hell Rift.  Enter it, fight
your way to the end, slay the similar Champion, destroy the Rift Occulus, and 
take the portal out.  Speak with Auriel and he will give you one more command.
Search the remaining area of the Garden's of Hope 2nd Tier for the entrance to
the Crystal Colonnade.  Upon reaching the entrance, Tyrael will be waiting for
you.  Speak to him and then enter the Crystal Colonnade.

...XP - 9900
...Gold - 945

 - Quest 3 - Beneath the Spire

.....Find Imperius at the Crystal Colonnade
.....Talk to Imperius at the Crystal Colonnade
.....Enter the Gateway to the Silver Spire


.....Gardens of Hope 2nd Tier
Darksky Fire Demon
Corrupted Angel
Mounted Armaddon
Morlu Invader

Another extrememly short quest, especially for the final act that only has four
quests total.  Continue through the rest of the Gardens of Hope 2nd tier until
you find the entrance to the Crystal Colonnade.  This will be the moajority of
the time you spend on this quest, fighting through one zone.  Once you get to
the Colonnade, walk north until you find the angels.  Speak to Imperius and
then enter the Gateway to the Silver Spire.  You will have a small cut scene 
and then the final quest of the final Act will begin.

 - Quest 4 - Prime Evil

     Part One
.....Cross the Great Span of the Silver Spire
.....Kill Izual
.....Climb to the Pinnacle of Heaven in the Silver Spire
.....Talk to Tyrael
.....Go to the Crystal Arch
.....Find Diablo
.....Kill Diablo
.....Kill the Shadow of Diablo

     Part Two
.....Talk to Auriel and bring your quest to an end


.....Gateway to the Silver Spire
Aspect of Terror~Diablo's Herald
Shade Stalker

.....The Silver Spire level 1
Aspect of Terror~Duriel's Darkrider
Mounted Armaddon
Hell Witch
Morlu Legionnaire
Morlu Incinerator
Terror Demon
Corrupted Angel
Mallet Lord

.....The Great Span
Servant of Izual
Swift Flayer Demon

.....The Silver Spire level 2
Aspect of Sin~ Azmodan's Legionnaire
Mallet Lord
Enslaved Nightmare
Shade Stalker
Corrupted Angel
Terror Demon
Demonfire Nightmare
Morlu Incinerator

.....The Crystal Arch
Diablo~The Prime Evil
Shadow of Diablo~Terror Phantasm
Shadow Clone

Begin by moving north across the Gateway to the Silver Spire.  You will shortly
encounter an Aspect of Terror.  It is a simple Champion and it will not be the
only one you face.  Slay it and then continue north clearing the few other 
minions that face you until you reach the Silver Spire level 1 entrance.  You 
will again face an Aspect of Terror.  Slay it and continue on clearing out the
rest of the first level of the Silver Spire.  Eventually you will reach the end
and find the entrance to the Great Span.  You will have a little bit of a run
through the Great Span, but will do so without resistance.  When you reach the 
middle, Tyrael will be waiting for you.  Watch a small cut scene and then begin
fighting Izual.  Izuals primary attack will be a basic swing of the club.  He
does have a freezing attack which can be avoided by watching for the small
spiked spheres that he throws on the ground.  Move away from them if you can.
He will also summon a pair of oppressors.  You can kill them or ignore them
depending on how squishy you are and how good you avoid his freezing attack.
He may also summon a pair of Servant of Izual's.  Kill, loot, and head
northeast killing what little resistance appears.  At the end of the Great Span
you will enter the Silver Spire level 2.  This area will be almost identical to
the Silver Spire level 1, except that it is covered in a bloody hue.  Near the
beginning you will face off against another Aspect.  Kill it quickly and move
on.  Move through the zone as you did the previous Silver Spire level, killing
until you reach the entrance to the Pinnacle of Heaven.  Here you will witness
a cutscene between you, Tyrael, and Imperius.  Afterwards speak to Tyrael.
Make your final preperations for the final battle.  There will be no multiple
adds here so focus your skill sets on single target, survival, and movement.

Enter the Crystal Arch and move forward until you face Diablo.  The expected
cutscene begins.  Once it has finished move into combat.  Diablo himself (or
herself in this case as even the new demonic body is female) has three phases
to the battle.

During the first phase Diablo will have several attacks.  The first attack is a
Bone Cage attack.  Diablo will cast several bone cages in the area around him.
You will be able to avoid these by watching for the tar like spots on the
ground.  When you are hit you are held immobile for a few seconds.  Diablo has 
a grab attack that will hold you immobile for several seconds and will almost
always use this on you if you are caught in the bone cages.  Diablo will also
spit a fireball at the ground and will leave a sizable circular ring of red
that will burn you if you stand in it.  Finally Diablo will stomp the ground
and send out fireballs in all directions.

Once you've whittled Diablo away you will be drawn into the Realm of Terror to
face Diablo's second phase.  Here Diablo will summon a 'clone' of you known as
a Shadow Clone.  They are easily defeated, but expect it to happen at least 
three times.  This phase of the battle will be slightly different.  Besides
killing the clones, Diablo will still cast Bone Cage, grab you and hold you
aloft, as well as a Fire Ring attack.  Diablo will also summon Acid Hydra's to
attack you while you are running from everything else.  This phase more than
the others will require your movement skills.  Keep your health up as always
and stick it out to the third phase.  

The third and final phase pits you against all the attacks from phase one and
two except for the clones, but will also add in Diablo's classic ground
lightning and lightning breath attacks.  Although Diablo will move to aim the
lightning attack at you if you try to avoid it, it does so slowly so it is
still easy to avoid.  Watch out for the lightning balls that drop from the sky
and hit the ground.  Besides that, if you made it to phase three and still have
enough supplies you should be able to survive to the end.
...XP - 21000
...Gold - 1600

While this last part is a bit anticlimatic, loot up and talk to Auriel.  After
doing so you will be prompted to finish the game.  Note that once you click yes
that the current game instance will be gone.  Anything you left laying on the 
ground in town or elsewhere is gone for good.  Enjoy your time wrought victory
with a cutscne, a congratulations, and credits.
