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$100 To Message Mark Zuckerberg

If a Facebook user messages someone outside his or her network, a practice intended to protect users from a spam deluge, the missive gets sent to the "Other" mailbox.

Facebook said in December that it would begin testing out paid messages, allowing users to contact people with whom they have no direct connection in return for a fee. Facebook didn't say at the time how much it would cost, but the answer turns out to be "a lot."

Mashable discovered sending a message to Facebook founder Zuckerberg costs $100. That's also what it costs to message Facebook COO Sheryl Sandburg , CFO David Ebersman, and several other Facebook members.

Ahead of the holidays, Facebook launched "Facebook Gifts," allowing users to purchase real-world gifts for their Facebook friends. In October, the social network started testing out a "Promote" feature that lets users pay $7 to broadly broadcast important pictures or announcements.