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Interactive Online Map Displays One Dot For Every Resident

The MIT graduate student, Brandon Martin-Anderson, has built an interactive online map that displays one dot for every resident of the United States and Canada. U.S. Census has been doing them for years but he may the first to assign one dot for each person.  

As counted by the most recent censuses that's 341,817,095 black smudges on the map; gradually dissolve into dot clusters and then individual dots as you zoom in. The map contains no identifying labels, roads or geographical features, so it can be hard to pinpoint locations.

The project took him about a week's worth of full-time coding.  He wrote a Python script to generate points from census block-level counts of people and then wrote another script to sort the dots.

Martin-Anderson, a researcher at the MIT Media Lab, says he wanted "an image of human settlement patterns unmediated by proxies" such as arterial roads or city and state boundaries.

He says "the reason why it (the map) keeps getting shared around is that it intersects with everyone's personal narrative and People want to be a piece of something larger".

Coincidentally, Foursquare, the location-based networking app, published a similar interactive map last week that shows the locations of 500 million user check-ins around the world.