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RIM To Market BlackBerry 10 Using Super Bowl Commercial

RIM is doing all it can to market BlackBerry 10. It's RIM's first-ever Super Bowl commercial, and while the company didn't say how much it spent, Super Bowl broadcaster CBS previously told CNNMoney that 30-second spots are going for a record high of at least $4 million. In addition to the Super Bowl ad, RIM said it will push BlackBerry via online ads and on social networks before and after the game.

RIM will unveil the BlackBerry 10 platform at events on Wednesday, as well as the first two devices to run on the new platform with essential smartphone features: a much-improved camera, a modern Web browser and social-networking integration. The software will allow customers to access e-mail with one swipe from app, and it will shift automatically between personal and corporate modes.

It's been a long time coming: The software had previously been slated for release in early 2012, which was pushed to late 2012, and again to the first quarter of 2013.

So RIM will survive to see BlackBerry 10 launch, but the delay has left the company stuck in a holding pattern.  While Apple, Nokia and Microsoft released new gadgets in the fall, but RIM was essentially forced to wait for the BlackBerry 10 software before selling any significant new hardware.