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Instagram has changed its Terms and Conditions

The company had the right to sell your photos which led to many close accounts. However, Kevin Systrom who is the co-founder of Instagram posted a message on the official website saying that the company has no intention to sell the photos of any user.

The new Instagram terms and conditions were published , and seemed to provide Facebook (company that owns Instagram) with all the “perpetual” right for any image uploaded via Instagram, and allow the photos-sharing firm to utilize them for commercial purposes without identification.

Because of this fact (the right to sell your photos), many Twitter users said that they already closed their Instagram accounts. Furthermore, National Geographic stated that all new posts to the service will be suspended. One of the protesters was Noah Kalina, the same photographer that was invited to the wedding of Mark Zuckerberg to take photos.

Nevertheless, Kevin Systrom explained that the new terms and conditions have a whole different purpose and actually give Instagram the opportunity to ”experiment with innovative advertising”. He also said that the users got the message wrong as ”legal documents are easy to misinterpret”.

Systrom added that the problem will be solved to clarify things by re-writing the terms and conditions and in order to highlight the conditions in which the images might be used. He also said that they used a language which misled the users in thinking that their private photos might be part of an ad. Therefore, the language that raised so many questions will be removed.

Systrom said that the company that he represents has no intention to claim the right of users’ images and they will not change any privacy settings. This is not the first time this month when Instagram users get irritated. Recently, the feature that allows Instagram photos to be displayed on Twitter was removed, causing a lot of tension between the rival networks. Another controversial topic announced the deal with Facebook, when it has been said that Kevin Systrom made an arrangement to sell Instagram to Twitter for $525 million.

When asked about the matter in August, Systrom denied any other deal intention and that the only offer for Instagram was from Facebook.When the news about Facebook buying Instagram appeared, the price was firstly estimated at $1 billion, but the figure dropped to $735 million as the social network’s share price slid. In November, Facebook made an announcement about its terms and conditions being changed in order to allow more data sharing between Facebook and Instagram.