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Nokia Planning Windows RT Tablet

Nokia company is planning to release a Windows RT tablet, and according to DigiTimes, three companies meaning Microsoft, Qualcomm, and Compal Electronics are developing a Nokia Windows RT tablet with a 10-inch screen.

The first rumor of Nokia’s secret tablet appeared at the beginning of 2012 saying that it would sport a dual-core Qualcomm SoC and that the company’s first order in an amount of 200,000 units. After Microsoft made its Surface announcement, it seemed that Nokia delayed its tablet.  In case the rumors are true then Nokia will probably unveil its Windows RT tablet at the Mobile World Congress.

Marko Ahtisaari who is the head of design at Nokia announced earlier this year that a significant part of his time is spent for designing a new tablet and a new product developed by Nokia might just speed thing up in encouraging customers and OEMs to accord more attention and money to the new OS.